Arastu philosopher biography paper
Aristotle philosophy in life
One of the most famous founders of Western philosophy is undoubtedly Arastu.
When was aristotle born and died
arastu ka jivan parichay;अरस्तु का जन्म ईसा पूर्व में मेसीडोनिया के स्टेजिरा (stagira) नामक नगर मे हुआ था तथा उसकी मृत्यु .
Where was aristotle born
By: Arastu Contributor(s): Sukesh Kumar Material type: Text Publication details: Delhi Gyan Ganga Description: p ISBN: PRICE: Subject(s): PHILOSOPHY; .
Aristotle contribution to philosophy
अरस्तु (सचित्र), हिंदी, प्रेरक जीवनी, बालसाहित्य, ब्रायन Addeddate Identifier arastu-h Identifier-ark.