Arastu philosopher biography paper

Aristotle philosophy in life

One of the most famous founders of Western philosophy is undoubtedly Arastu.

arastu philosopher biography paper

When was aristotle born and died

arastu ka jivan parichay;अरस्तु का जन्म ईसा पूर्व में मेसीडोनिया के स्टेजिरा (stagira) नामक नगर मे हुआ था तथा उसकी मृत्यु .

Where was aristotle born

By: Arastu Contributor(s): Sukesh Kumar Material type: Text Publication details: Delhi Gyan Ganga Description: p ISBN: PRICE: Subject(s): PHILOSOPHY; .

Aristotle contribution to philosophy
अरस्तु (सचित्र), हिंदी, प्रेरक जीवनी, बालसाहित्य, ब्रायन Addeddate Identifier arastu-h Identifier-ark.